
Biofuels Led by: Moderator, Global Moderator, Administrator

'Homemade Biodiesel recipe'
Oct 3, 2013 17:53:54 GMT -5, by Doc
1 posts in 1 threads
Methane/Methanol Led by: Moderator, Global Moderator, Administrator

'How To Build a 100 Cubic Foot a Day Methane Gas Plant '
Oct 3, 2013 17:50:38 GMT -5, by Doc
3 posts in 2 threads
Ethanol Led by: Moderator, Global Moderator, Administrator

'Converting a vehicle to ethanol'
Oct 3, 2013 17:38:41 GMT -5, by Doc
3 posts in 2 threads
Hydrogen Led by: Moderator, Global Moderator, Administrator

'4 part series to build a HHO fuel cell'
Oct 3, 2013 18:42:20 GMT -5, by Doc
3 posts in 3 threads
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